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2007.092011.06    红宝石9999hbs本科

2012.092018.06    红宝石9999hbs硕博连读

2018.09~至今         红宝石9999hbs








[1] 面向大规模个性化定制的车间制造服务协作机理与方法研究, 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 202001-202212, 25, 已结题, 主持.

[2] 混合工业云环境下制造服务跨域协作链演化机理与信任提升机制研究, 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 202401-202712, 50, 在研 主持.

[2] 数字孪生驱动的热交换器远程故障预测与健康运维技术研究,湖北省重点研发计划,202301-202512,100, 主持

[3] 云系统故障预测与诊断,深信服科技股份有限公司, 202209-202206, 45, 主持.

[4] 云平台业务性能优化,深信服科技股份有限公司,202301-202306,47万,主持.

[5] 信创硬件故障预测与诊断技术, 深信服科技股份有限公司,202301-202306,47万,主持.

[6] 色谱智能分析工作站, 山东非金属材料研究所, 企业横向, 202201-202212, 35, 已结题, 主持.

[7] 中国计量科学研究院数字化配气管理系统开发, 中国计量科学研究院, 企业横向, 202004-202006, 已结题, 主持.

[8] 辽宁中计标准气体制备数字化管控系统开发, 辽宁中计标准物质科技有限公司, 企业横向, 202108-至今, 在研, 主持.

[9] 河北中宁标准气体制备数字化管控系统, 河北中宁气体化工有限公司, 企业横向, 202203-至今, 在研, 主持.

[10] 安徽强源标准气体制备数字化管控系统, 安徽强源气体有限公司, 企业横向, 202203-至今, 在研, 主持.

[11] 杭州新世纪配气系统开发, 杭州新世纪混合气体有限公司, 企业横向, 201903-至今, 在研, 主持.

[12] 标准物质数字化智能管控系统开发, 山东非金属材料研究所, 企业横向, 202201-202206, 已结题, 主持.



[1] Wang L, Luo ZD, Tang HT, Guo SS, Li XX. (2023). A Novel Model for Dynamic Manufacturing Service Collaboration on Industrial Internet. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. DOI: 10.1109/TII.2023.3252408. (SCI, IF: 11.648).

[2] Wang L, Gao TY, Zhou B, Tang HT, Xiang F. (2021). Manufacturing service recommendation method toward industrial internet platform considering the cooperative relationship among enterprises. Expert System with Application, 192, 116391 (SCI, IF: 8.665).

[3] Li YB, Tao ZY, Wang L*, Du BG, Guo J, Pang SB. (2022). Digital twin-based job shop anomaly detection and dynamic scheduling. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 79, 102443. (SCI, IF: 10.103).

[4] Wang L, Liu, ZC*. (2021). Data-driven product design evaluation method based on multi-stage artificial neural network. Applied Soft Computing, 103(11), 107117. (SCI, IF: 8.263).

[5] Wang L, Liu ZC, Liu A, Tao F*, (2021). Artificial intelligence in product lifecycle management. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 114(3-4):771-796. (SCI, IF: 3.563).

[6] Wang L, Guo SS*, Li XX, Du BG, Wu R. (2018). Distributed manufacturing resource selection strategy in cloud manufacturing. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 94(9-12): 3375-3388. (SCI, IF: 3.563).

[7] Wang L, Guo C*, Guo SS, Du BG, Li XX, Wu R. (2018). Rescheduling strategy of cloud service based on shuffled frog leading algorithm and Nash equilibrium. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 94(9-12): 3519-3535. (SCI, IF: 3.563).

[8] Wang L, Guo C*, Li YB, Du BG, Guo SS. (2019). An outsourcing service selection method using ANN and SFLA algorithms for cement equipment manufacturing enterprises in cloud manufacturing. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 10(3): 1065-1079. (SCI, IF: 7.104).

[9] Li XX, Wang L*, Zhu CJ. (2021). Framework for manufacturing-tasks semantic modelling and manufacturing-resource recommendation for digital twin shop-floor. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 58: 281-292. (SCI, IF: 9.498).

[10] Liu Z, Wang L*, Li XX, Pang SB. (2021). A multi-attribute personalized recommendation method for manufacturing service composition with combining collaborative filtering and genetic algorithm. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 58, 348-364. (SCI, IF: 9.498).

[11] Liu Z, Guo S, Wang L*, Du B, Pang S. (2019). A multi-objective service composition recommendation method for individualized customer: hybrid MPA-GSO-DNN model. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 128, 122-134. (SCI, IF: 7.18).

[12] Xu, F, Wang L*. (2022). Constructing a health indicator for bearing degradation assessment via an unsupervised and enhanced stacked autoencoder, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 53(8):101708. (SCI, IF: 7.862).

[13] Pang SB, Guo SS*, Wang L*, Li YB, Li XX, Liu ZC. (2021). Mass personalization-oriented integrated optimization of production task splitting and scheduling in a multi-stage flexible assembly shop. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 162, 107736. (SCI, IF: 7.18).

[14] Li YB, Yang ZP, Wang L*, Tang HT, Sun LB, Guo SS. (2022). A hybrid imperialist competitive algorithm for energy-efficient flexible job shop scheduling problem with variable-size sublots. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 172 (8), 108641. (SCI, IF: 7.18).

[15] Zhuang KJ, Shi ZC, Sun Y, Gao ZM, Wang L*. (2021). Digital twin-driven tool wear monitoring and predicting method for the turning process. Symmetry, 13(8), 1438. (SCI, IF: 2.94)

[16] Liu ZC, Guo SS, Wang L*, Li YB, & Li XX. (2019). A Benefit Conflict Resolution Approach for Production Planning Energy Optimization of Group Manufacturing. IEEE Access, 7: 45012-45031. (SCI, IF: 3.476).

[17] Liu ZC, Luo Q, Wang L*, Tang HT, Li YB. (2022). The Low-Carbon Scheduling Optimization of Integrated Multispeed Flexible Manufacturing and Multi-AGV Transportation. Processes, 10 (10):1944. (SCI, IF: 3.352).

[18] Tang HT, Gao SB, Wang L*, Li XX, Li B, Pang SB. (2021). A Novel Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Method for Rolling Bearings Based on Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network and Convolutional Neural Network under Unbalanced Dataset. Sensors, 21 (20): 6754. (SCI, 3.847).

[19] 王磊, 金校, 唐红涛. (2023). 基于联邦学习框架的制造服务个性化推荐方法研究, 机械工程学报. (EI, 已录用). 

[20] 王磊, 郭顺生*, 李西兴, 杜百岗, 徐文祥. (2017). 基于多Agent的建材装备制造企业智能生产进度管控系统研究与应用. 计算机集成制造系统. 23(06):167-176. (EI).

[21] 王磊, 郭顺生*, 李西兴, 杜百岗, 彭兆. (2017) .基于改进蚁群算法的多主体制造资源配置冲突协调方法. 计算机集成制造系统.23(12): 4-13. (EI).

[22] 李益兵, 宋东林, 王磊*. (2018). 基于混合PSO-Adam神经网络的外协供应商评价决策模型. 控制与决策. 33(12): 2142-2152. (EI).

[23] 李益兵, 宋东林, 王磊*. (2019). 基于混沌遗传算法的集团分布式制造工序资源配置. 控制与决策. 34(06): 60-68. (EI).

[24]刘雪红, 段程, 王磊*. (2021). 基于改进候鸟算法的柔性作业车间分批调度问题. 计算机集成制造系统. 27(11): 3185-3195. (EI).

[25] Wang L. (2020). Manufacturing Service Collaboration Optimization and Management in Cloud Manufacturing, WUTP Wuhan University of Technology Press, 978-5629-6306-6. (专著).


